Update Top N Rows Sql Statements

Update Top N Rows Sql Statements Rating: 4,9/5 2009votes

I'm having a hard time trying to update the first 100 records of a db2 table. I'm running the query from Squirrel 3.5.0 If I do this: SELECT * FROM 'CUSTOMERS' WHERE CITY = 'SAN JOSE' FETCH FIRST 100 ROW ONLY It filters the data appropriately but when I do this: UPDATE ( SELECT * FROM 'CUSTOMERS' WHERE CITY = 'SAN JOSE' FETCH FIRST 100 ROWS ONLY ) SET NAME = 'MARIO', LASTNAME = 'PEREZ' it throws this error Error: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, SQLERRMC=(; STATISTICS, DRIVER=3.53.95 SQLState: 42601 ErrorCode: -104 I follow the approach that is suggested in this link Would you please help me out? Your update query is valid as far as I can tell (you did not say which version of db2 you are using so I assume LUW 9.7 and later). It might be the case that squirrel adds something to the query, try un-checking the checkbox that limits the number of rows that squirrel receive. In case you have something that uniquely identifies a row (I assume cust_id here) you can use a merge statement: merge into CUSTOMERS x using ( SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE CITY = 'SAN JOSE' FETCH FIRST 100 ROWS ONLY ) y on x.cust_id = y.cust_id when matched then update SET NAME = 'MARIO', LASTNAME = 'PEREZ'; Yet another option is to enumerate the rows in the table as in: UPDATE ( SELECT x.*, row_number() over () as rn FROM CUSTOMERS x WHERE CITY = 'SAN JOSE' ) SET NAME = 'MARIO', LASTNAME = 'PEREZ' where rn. Omnigraffle Import Autocad.

Code 300 32 Sdr Download. SQL UPDATE TOP with ORDER BY? Possible duplicate of SQL update top1 row query – fabriciorissetto Jun 13 '16. How can I do an UPDATE statement. Zoo Tycoon Complete Collection Crack Download. This tutorial shows how to update top N rows of data in MySQL. The update statement in MySQL supports the use of LIMIT clause to specify the number of rows that can be updated. In this tutorial, we use two. Note that the SQL needs to end with semi-colon if you have multiple queries in the query window.

Sql Update Top Rows