Disertasi Hamzah Fansuri Pdf

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Syair Hamzah FansuriDisertasi Hamzah Fansuri Pdf

Fsx Beechcraft 1900d Interior. Author: Oman Fathurahman Publisher: EFEO and Mizan Year: 1999 Abdurrauf Singkel is known as one of the Indonesian ulemas —together with others such as Hamzah Fansuri, Syamsuddin as-Sumatrani, and Nuruddin ar-Raniri— who have been engaged in the political conflicts and religious debates of the early times of Indonesian Islam, more precisely in the second half of the 17th century in Sumatra. Born in Singkel in the kingdom of Aceh around 1615, Abdurrauf received a religious education during his childhood from his own father, Syekh Ali. Upon adulthood, he travelled to the Middle East, where he lived for 19 years, and where he collected knowledge in the field of exoteric Islamic sciences ( ilmu syariat), such as exegesis, prophetic tradition and jurisprudence, as well as esoteric ( ilmu hakikat), such as mysticism. Tha Carter Download Zip. Back in Sumatra, he was confronted with various political and religious problems, particularly because the society of his native country had been recently shaken by a severe controversy between the adepts of orthodox mysticism, led by Nuruddin ar-Raniri, and those of the school of Unicity ( wujudiyah), who were following the teachings of Hamzah Fansuri and Syamsuddin as-Sumatrani. As an accomplished ulema, who was later in charge of religious affairs as a kadi under the reign of the queen Safiyatuddin (1645—1675), Abdurrauf wrote many treatises about mysticism, jurisprudence, exegesis, and other domains of the religious sciences.

This research aims to know and understand more deeply about mystical values and transformative pedagogic values in the Syaikh Siti Jenar novel written by Agus Sunyoto. The focus of this study was the intrinsic and extrinsic structure of meaning in the novel. The method applied in this study is content analysis using. Hamzah Fansuri studies Religious Studies, Languages, and Education. Able to prove that Islamic thinkers like Hamzah Fansuri and Hamka were two great Malay logical thinkers, as compared to those who wrote prior to the arrival of Islam (See Mohamad Radzi Mustafa 2001). Microtek Scanwizard Pro Download Windows 7. 18 There are at least three other brief discussions that can be cited, which tend to relate the arrival and influence of.

Some of these books, written at the request of the queen, were used as text books for teaching, while others, we may surmise, were written as reaction against the controversy about the Unicity doctrine and with the aim of moderating its consequences. Currently, Abdurrauf’s writings, like other ancient works, exist as manuscripts, some of which, due to their age, are in a worrying condition. The most efficient way to preserve the value of these old manuscripts — apart from keeping them in libraries— is to analyse their contents and to publish them. This book is the result of such an effort, applied to a tract written by Abdurrauf in Arabic and entitled Tanbih al-Masyi al-Mansub ila Tariq al-Qusyasyiyy (“Directions for the adepts of the brotherhood of al-Qusyasyi”). The original text of this tract is edited here, together with an Indonesian translation. This text, preserved in four manuscripts, contains the teachings of Abdurrauf presented as five stages: the dogma ( akidah), the law ( syariat), the path ( tarikat), the truth ( hakikat), and the gnosis ( makrifat).